Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Change the Default Login Password for Tenda

Tenda wifi router devices and Tenda wifi extender devices are connected together and then you can remove the dead zone problems from your home. In this article, we are going to discuss particularly about Tenda wifi router device’s security that you can manage using Tenda wifi login page.

We are taking about login password of Tenda wifi router devices. When you have Tenda wifi routers, you can access your Tenda login page from your computer or mobile but you will need to Tenda router login user name and password. When you have secure password for accessing Tenda wifi router login access, you can have a secure and strong command on your device settings. Catch the guest network management settings for the Tenda devices.
How to Change Default Tenda Router Login Page?
When you want to secure your device login then you can follow following steps for changing your device login password.
1.     Open web browser to computer that is having high speed wifi connections.
2.     Fill tenda wifi login page to your web browser and there you will get the login page. Fill current login user name and password for router login.
3.     Select “Advanced” button from the configuration page of Tenda router.
4.     Click on “Tools” button and there you will find all advance tools that you can use to make your router configurations.
5.     After that click “Change Password” button. When you click on this option, you can fill old password for 1 time and then fill new password for 2 times.
6.     After that click on “OK” button and save the settings.

These are steps so that you can easily change the Tenda wifi router login password and secure your device. Change this password time to time and do not share your password to anyone you do not know.     

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